Athabasca Collaboration Agreement Enhances Partnerships

Signing of the landmark Ya’Thi Néné (“Lands of the North” in Dene) collaboration agreement was celebrated June 22 at the Hatchet Lake Denesuline First Nation in northern Saskatchewan.


Signing of the landmark Ya’Thi Néné (“Lands of the North” in Dene) collaboration agreement was celebrated June 22 at the Hatchet Lake Denesuline First Nation in northern Saskatchewan.

The collaboration agreement is between seven Athabasca Basin communities (including the Denesuline First Nations of Black Lake, Fond du Lac and Hatchet Lake, along with the communities of Stony Rapids, Wollaston Lake, Uranium City and Camsell Portage) and Cameco Corporation (Cameco) and AREVA Resources Canada (AREVA).

The agreement confirms the enduring partnership between these communities and Cameco and AREVA in development of the uranium resources of the Athabasca Basin.

The agreement builds on an impact management agreement signed in 1999, and is structured on five pillars of workforce development, business development, community engagement, environmental stewardship, and community investment.

“The renewed partnership agreement gives the Athabasca communities certainty, to help ensure that the companies operate sustainably, bringing positive changes for the future generation.” – Diane McDonald, lead negotiator for the Athabasca communities