Indigenous Peoples Relations

At Cameco, we not only prioritize engagement with local indigenous communities, but have put plans in place to ensure we maximize indigenous inclusion within our operations.

While indigenous engagement is both a practical necessity and a corporate competitive advantage for Cameco, we believe that indigenous inclusion across the company will only strengthen the partnerships we’ve built over the years. We believe that indigenous communities should benefit from resource development on or near their traditional lands through employment, training, business opportunities and environmental stewardship.

More about our commitment to indigenous engagement in Canada

Cameco will:

  • do business in a way that recognizes and respects the rights and interests of indigenous communities
  • seek to raise its awareness of traditional land use and knowledge
  • recognize and respect traditional land use and knowledge, as much as reasonably possible
  • consult and collaborate with indigenous communities to make sure we’re aware of any negative effect our proposed activities might have on their rights and interests so we can work to avoid or mitigate those impacts
  • collaborate with indigenous communities, businesses and community members to identify potential employment and contracting opportunities
  • continue to identify and pursue opportunities to invest in indigenous communities
  • where reasonable, require Cameco contractors and suppliers to undertake specific measures or activities to support our indigenous engagement policy


For nearly 30 years, Cameco has been working with indigenous peoples primarily in northern Saskatchewan, but also in Ontario, Wyoming, Nebraska and, most recently, Australia. Our goal is to provide:

  • a sustainable benefit through employment, education and training
  • opportunities to develop business capacity and commercial entities
  • robust community engagement, participation and understanding of our environmental and safety programs
  • strategic community investments that will continue to deliver benefits long after mineral resources are depleted

The support of indigenous peoples for our operations has helped us become a world leader in the uranium industry and expand our operations into jurisdictions like Australia. Despite these successes, however, challenges persist. They include:

N. Saskatchewan procurement
299 million
Indigenous employees
Community agreements
Support for Cameco in northern Saskatchewan
81 %

Taking Action

In order to meet the challenges we face engaging indigenous peoples, Cameco has created strategies, programs and policies designed to work with and advance the interests of indigenous people. They include:

Five-pillar corporate responsibility strategy

This strategy is the foundation for building and sustaining relationships everywhere we operate, but particularly with indigenous communities near our operations. Developed in northern Saskatchewan, we have also exported this strategy to other areas where we operate, including Australia. Our goals are to develop and maintain long-term relationships and provide communities with employment and business development opportunities and capacity building. The five pillars are:

Community based agreements

In order to solidify our relationships with indigenous communities, we have entered into a number of agreements designed to codify the socioeconomic benefits they receive from us, as well as our responsibilities to those communities. These agreements include:

Case Study - Cameco-Pinehouse Business North Business Development Project

A win-win project for both Cameco and PBN.

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